

This is really a post about nothing. A non-post if you will. I've been MIA a bit. Blame it on nice weather, working on the yard, a fun playdate, graduation BBQs and children eating me out of house and home. Really the munchkins must both be dealing with a growth spurt. eating. all. day. long.

I'm off to Baltimore for WordCamp Mid-Atlantic this weekend. Overnight trip without my family, staying with my friend, meeting a blogger friend, and spending a whole day in techie-geek heaven. yeehaw! If you are on twitter and want to live vicariously, check out #wordcampmidatl I even ordered mom cards for the event. I'm pumped! Super excited to meet Roni and fellow reader Jaye (we were the winners of her contest) and it'll be fun to be around real bloggers I still feel like this is just me pretending to blog.

We have homeschool coop tomorrow and then I'm off. I have a few posts in the works, but just haven't done much with them and probably won't til next week.

Find something fun to do this weekend and do it! :) Catch ya next week!



Jaye said...

OMG!!! I can't believe someone metioned my name in a blog. See you Saturday!

Lisa Spector said...

lol I was going to link to you, but not sure if you were okay with that and didn't get a chance to email you. want an official link from another blog? :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great time at WordCamp! You're already my favorite blogger. Learn lots & keep us posted! Maybe one day I can be the grasshopper to your master. Chris

Lisa Spector said...

Chris- you crack me up! I'm off today! will post a report when I get back home.

Anonymous said...

Have fun at your blogging event this weekend!



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