
Diving in!

Ready to dive in! :)
I’ve been wanting to jump back into my bloggy world for a while now. It’s time, really. And it’s so NOT the time.  My mammoth to do-list is staring at me.  Well, that is, if I had actually written it all down in a to-do list  I’m sure this is what it would be doing to me. Staring at me. Mouth all hanging open and shaking its head. Geez Lunzy, you still haven’t gotten your crap together? To which I would reply. Nope, still no dice.  

And so tonight, on a night when I got the hat-trick of evening wake-ups and it’s still only 2:30 a.m., it felt like the time was right. Time for a lunzygras homecoming.  I’m just gonna jump in and feel the love. I need you my Loyal Seven (you are still out there right?!) You make me laugh. You hear me when my voice gets all high pitched and I’m entering into the Crazy Mama Zone.  And you tell me it’s okay to go grab my bottle of tequila and hide in the closet/cardboard box for a Mommy Time Out.

My brain is swollen from an possible major life change. Again. My kids have Spring Fever in the worst way (a.k.a. they are being total twerps.) We did a huge dietary change for BigBoy and me and we are now gluten free, among other things—so my meal planning and cooking from scratch is also going through a topsy turvy.   The house we moved into last summer still isn’t totally unpacked and I might be packing things up once again in the next month. So really, is it worth it?  

But life isn’t a big pity party. You didn’t expect that one did you?  I’m overwhelmed, but what’s new about that really? And yes, we might be moving. Again, what else is new? And my kids are difficult. See previous note….   But life is good. For reals.

BigDaddy has been home with us and I have to tell you, after he learned Mama Bear’s House Rules, it’s been really nice to have him involved with the family stuff so much.  And after figuring out some dietary issues for me and Munchkin #1, I’m feeling pretty fantastic.  I’m working out regularly, lost more than 10 pounds and have ridiculous amounts of energy.  We also bought bikes. Bikes! The entire family is able to go on a ride together, which rocks my world.   And it’s Spring in the Valley.  After we sneeze and clear away all the yellow pollen, it’s Gawgeous. Pops of bright green and every color of the rainbow.  See?  Good stuff.  No pity parties. 

So here I am world. Warts, weeds and unpacked boxes.  I’m rusty and I need to find my mojo again, but I’m diving in.  No promises how often I’ll come around and it will be absolutely totally erratic. But then again, what else is new?



Anonymous said...

One of your loyal 7 reporting in. Okay where are you moving? I am hoping closer to this side of the country. So glad you are back. My granddaughter Addy is totally gluten free and is happy as a little 4 1/2 year old can be. She has adjusted to eating her stuff and Mom carries some treats just in case they run into a family handing out treats. Can't wait for your next installment. Don't unpack quite yet. See it pays sometimes not to get everything done on your to do list.

Jim Doran said...

Warts are easy.

Nice to see you on the interwebz.

ChrisLS said...

glad to have you back :)

Lisa Spector said...

Thanks guys! glad to see you here too!


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